Happy New Year!
As we begin a new year, we would like to thank you. Thank you for sharing your lives and your stories with us over the last year. Some of you celebrated – adding to your family, retiring, or moving to a new home. Some of you have mourned – losing loved ones, going through a divorce, or struggling with health issues. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives. We value the opportunity to share these moments with you and support you in your journey. It is with a grateful heart that we celebrate you as we enter a new year.
You’ve helped us celebrate a few of our own successes as well:
In the first quarter of the year, Longview launched a brand-new website.

New Website Launches
In May, Andrew Gipner was named Leadership of Greater Huntsville’s Connect 22 Chair. Jeff, Jessica, and JJ attended the 2019 NAPFA Spring National Conference in Austin, TX.
In June, JJ was named to NAPFA’s National Board of Directors. Jeff, Jessica, and Andrew attended Man Up Gadsden’s annual Blue Ball in support of Prostate and Testicular Cancer awareness.
August was a busy month. We teamed up with Rocket City SGO to help host their Back to School Bash, a fun back to school party for their scholarship winners. Several team members and their spouses attended the American Cancer Society’s Belles & Beaus Ball.

Jonathan, Jessica, JJ, and Andrew Attending Belles & Beaus
In September, several team members attended the ELM Foundation’s Little Miracles Luncheon and the Community Foundation of Greater Huntsville’s Summit on Philanthropy.

Lauren, Jonathan, Chad, Wes, Jessica and Andrew at Little Miracle

JJ, Jessica, and Andrew at the Summit on Philanthropy
October is always eventful. We hosted an open house at our Huntsville office. You helped us collect 357 pounds of food for the North Alabama Food Pantry! That’s more than double last year’s donations. JJ attended NAPFA’s Fall National Conference in Chicago. Longview, who served as the sole sponsor for the HudsonAlpha Alumni Association, attended the Associations’ Fall event.
In November, team members enjoyed attending and sponsoring the HudsonAlpha Tie the Ribbons event. Jessica Smith was honored with a Jack Davis Award from the University of Alabama.
In December, we celebrated together at our annual team holiday party. We also celebrated Andrew’s completion of the ACCREDITED ESTATE PLANNER® designation.
Thank you for the pleasure to call you our friends. We look forward to serving you in 2020! May it be your best year yet!