Category: Market Commentary
Dear Fellow Investors,
What a finish to 2023!
With a fourth quarter like that, I had to start with a quote from the late Charlie Munger. This year ended up being a fantastic year if you...
Market Commentary: October 2023
This quarter I want to do a little self-reflecting and evaluation. I am going to start with the bad. I have trailed our benchmarks year-to-date. I wrote about the reason why recently and you can...
Market Commentary: July 2023
It’s hard to believe that I took over as Chief Investment Officer two years ago. I am glad we have had calm markets to let me get my sea legs under me. But in all seriousness, thank you for allowing...
Market Commentary: April 2023
I don’t like to talk about investment performance over short periods of time, but the first quarter of 2023 has given us some interesting data. I will try not to “geek out” on numbers too badly. ...
Market Commentary: January 2023
As I look back on the last year, I would like to start with saying thank you. Thank you for trusting us to help you along your financial journey. We count it as a blessing to be able to serve you....
Market Commentary: October 2022
As I sit down to write this letter a few days after the federal reserve increased rates to 3.25%, I think it’s important to remind ourselves of why we save and invest. While this tightening policy...