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Macro Minute: Week of December 2, 2024

I had plans to tell a few stories of quiet savers that were disciplined investors for their whole lives. I was going to do this as a follow-up to the compounding post I made recently. When I went to go grab some stories to tell, I found that there are many examples of people who have written it much better than I could. One such example can be found at the blog of the bestselling book “The Millionaire Next Door”.

These are great stories of how consistent behaviors over time can lead to big results. The other reason that I decided not to write my own version of one of these posts is because Morgan Housel wrote about it earlier this year. I would rather point to his post and give my thoughts around it.: In this post, Morgan does an excellent job illustrating how we have examples of consistent, disciplined effort bringing forth great results all around us. At the end, he gives four takeaways that can help us stay on track to accomplish compounding. I would like to give a few of my own encouragements. 


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