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Macro Minute: Week of August 5, 2024

This birthday was a bigger deal to me than I can remember an adult birthday being. Most would wonder why. It was not a big deal in terms of celebrating and 41 is not looked at as a big milestone. To me it was big mentally because I am now older than my parents were at their passing. I am not an overly sentimental person, and this is not a fresh wound to me, but this birthday has me contemplating. My parents would only be 64 and 62 today, an age that I would definitely not consider old. Where would I be socioeconomically?  Would I have advanced college degrees like I do now?  What would the relationship with my family be like today?

I guess the takeaways are the same ones that I have tried to live by the last 24 years. We don’t know what is going to happen. You should prepare and plan for the future but be present in the now. This moment is all we are ever assured of having, but we also want to make sure that we’ve planned for our future selves. When I look at things from this perspective, I am thankful for the job that I have and the opportunities that it presents me. From working with individuals to helping them accomplish their financial goals to the time it affords me to spend with my family and community. While I cannot answer the thoughts I have about how things could have been, I certainly am happy with where I am in life.


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